Agreement to End Tenancy N11


    Agreement to End Tenancy N11: Everything You Need to Know

    If you’re a tenant in Ontario, you may need to end your tenancy before your lease agreement is up. This can happen for a variety of reasons – maybe you’ve found a new job in a different city, or you’ve decided to move in with a partner. Whatever your reasons are, it’s important to know how to properly terminate your lease agreement and avoid any legal issues in the process.

    One way to end your lease agreement is by using the N11 Agreement to End Tenancy form, which is a mutual agreement between you and your landlord. Here’s everything you need to know about the N11 form and how to use it.

    What is the N11 Agreement to End Tenancy Form?

    The N11 form is a document that provides a mutual agreement between you and your landlord to end your tenancy. It’s used when both parties agree to terminate the lease agreement before its expiration date. By signing the N11 form, you can avoid any legal disputes or penalties that may arise from breaking your lease agreement.

    When Can You Use the N11 Form?

    You can use the N11 form to end your tenancy agreement for any reason, as long as both you and your landlord agree to it. This includes situations such as:

    – Moving in with a partner

    – Buying a home

    – Moving to a different city or province

    – Going back to school

    – Job relocation

    How to Use the N11 Form

    Here are the steps you need to follow to use the N11 form:

    Step 1: Talk to Your Landlord

    Before you fill out the N11 form, you need to talk to your landlord and get their agreement to end your tenancy before the lease expires. This is a crucial step, as your landlord needs to sign the form as well. You should also discuss any outstanding rent or damages that need to be paid.

    Step 2: Fill Out the N11 Form

    Once you have your landlord’s agreement, you can fill out the N11 form. You’ll need to provide your name, your landlord’s name, the rental address, and the date you’d like to end your tenancy. You’ll also need to sign the form and have your landlord sign it as well.

    Step 3: Submit the N11 Form

    Once the form is filled out and signed by both parties, you need to give a copy to your landlord and keep a copy for yourself. It’s a good idea to submit the form by registered mail or in person to ensure that your landlord receives it.

    Step 4: Move Out

    After you’ve submitted the N11 form, you need to move out on or before the date specified on the form. You’ll need to leave the unit in good condition and pay any outstanding rent or damages as agreed upon with your landlord.


    If you need to end your tenancy before the lease agreement is up, the N11 Agreement to End Tenancy form can be a useful tool to help you do so. By following the above steps and properly filling out and submitting the form, you can avoid any legal disputes or penalties that may arise from breaking your lease agreement. Remember to always talk to your landlord first and come to a mutual agreement before using the N11 form.